About Chad

My journey begins in 1980 in a refugee camp on the Thailand and Cambodian border called Khao-I-Dang.  I have no recollection of any time spent there, I do not know my birth parents, I could have siblings, but that is not known.
A loving family in Stratford Ontario adopted me on August 16, 1980, (remember this date).  Through the following years of my life, I experienced what most people would consider a perfect childhood.  I had educations, I was involved in many sports, and I had lots of friends and family support.  I had all my needs met and more.  I would not trade that gift for anything, and I cherish all that was given to me. 
In my twenties I gave my heart to Christ, and chose to follow Jesus the rest of my days.  I look back on what God had blessed me with, and I thank him for those blessing.   It hurts me when I remember how I chose paths that were not glorifying to God. By his grace I am redeemed and can move forward and use my testimony to glorify him.  
I met my wife Ashley in 2002.  She was born August 16, 1980… the same day I came to Canada.  To me that is a God sign!  The funny thing is, that my adopted parents gave me my birthday April 24, 1980, even though I came to Canada August 16, 1980.  The exact date of birth for me is unknown, however, my parents being teachers saw the advantage of giving me my birthday April 24th.( it determined when I started school, and wouldn’t keep me behind…I guess). 
When I came to Canada, I came on a plane with three other babies.  I was the only boy.  At that time boys were kept in the camps, so that they could help rebuild the country, so pretty cool that God had a plan for my life right from the get go.
God had spoken to me when Ashley and I re visited Cambodia 4 years ago.  The calling on our life for full time missions is very clear. Since we have stepped out and said YES GOD, USE US! Our life has changed; we are currently in the process of phases that are required in order to be appointed to ministry through the PAOC (Pentecostal Assemblies Of Canada)www.paoc.org.  We are excited and blessed for what God has planed for our lives.  This vision is clear to our family, and we are very blessed to be servants, and to further his Kingdom In Cambodia.